Its pointless trying to analyse this film as some reviewers have obviously tried to do here. Its not hilarious by any means but it does pass an amusingly enjoyable 80 minutes of time. The gags are mostly clichéd and predictable, there's lots of tired old slapstick but when there's nothing else on TV (which is why I watched this) it certainly fits the bill. As for the appearance of 'Michael Jackson' in the film, I'm still laughing every time I think about it - heaven knows how they got away with it, but its certainly a funny moment!! Im' glad that I had seen all the films that this tries to spoof and the re-creation of the sets for War of the Worlds is fantastic. Its so close to the original.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Say what you may about it not living up to the previous films, but nevertheless it was an entertaining and humorous film. If you can accept the cartoony humor throughout its definitely worth the watch.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
Be honest with yourself.. You don't watch these type of movies for the story, you watch them for the laughs and it delivers just that. There is nothing to learn here, this movie has no depth what so ever but it doesn't need it.I can safely say that this is one of the most braindead movies I have ever seen in my 32 year long life and I enjoyed every second of it. Don't take it too seriously and you will have a good time.